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What's your favorite time-saving way to cook?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Everyone who prepares food tries to reduce the cooking time in order to spend more time on their needs and not standing at the stove. How can you save time when you cook something complicated and it takes more than 2 hours. Is it possible, for example, to save time, to use a dirty plate for something else if you have no clean dishes left and not to wash it and not waste time?
When I want to cook and when I also want to save time, I try to make broth where I put vegetables, meat, dough balls, and spices. I try to balance the meal with carbs, protein, fats, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. Sometimes I also cook soupy noodles. It takes just 10 minutes to make soupy noodles.
For me when cooking, what I normally do is cut down everything I simply need to cut down like my onions, tomatoes, pepper and the likes. And prepare everything so once I on the fire my cooking won't waste time.
Ready to use soup. There are veggie soup packets available. Boil it and use, it tastes great.

A lot of preservatives, but let's ignore it, we are busy ;)
My go-to time-saving cooking method is using the Instant Pot or slow cooker. There's nothing better than being able to toss a bunch of ingredients into one pot, walk away, and return later to a hot, flavorful meal.
Out here it's frozen and you cook it in the microwave.
Oh now I understand, over here we have a few frozen food but most of us tend to go for the raw ingredients, then we cook it from scratch ourselves. Raw ingredients are a lot more common than frozen food.
I don't think there should be a shortcut to cooking. Just take the regular time to prepare the food otherwise the food might not taste that good because of the rush in preparing it.
I try to buy products that are most suitable for immediate cooking. For example, if I find already cut meat, I will buy it even if it is more expensive. Also, with vegetables, I look for them to be already cleaned