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What's your favorite pre-workout meals and snacks?


Off The Mark

Mar 24, 2024
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I would like also talk about the favorite meals and snacks that we consume before we go on the workout. It is necessary for us discuss the recipes and talk more about nutritional advice and our personal experiences so that we can help one another to optimize our pre-workout nutrition . I know very well that this is going to enhance performance and it will increase our energy level during exercise.
I don't do heavy workout, I only do light impact exercise, therefore, I do not need a lot of calories while I am exercising. I don't eat anything before exercise and the only thing Idrunk before exercise is a glass of warm water. After exercise, I take green salad and fruit juice.
I think bananas might be the best. I don't go to the gym that often, but bananas are quite nutritious and low in calories
I prefer to workout on a near empty stomach, I'll usually eat after my workout.
For an early morning workout, I keep it light with a banana and a spoonful of peanut butter. The carbs from the banana provide lasting energy, while the protein and healthy fats from the peanut butter keep me feeling satiated. If I'm exercising later in the day, I'll go for a snack like Greek yogurt with berries or a small protein shake made with almond milk. Staying hydrated with water is key too. Simple, nutritious snacks that are easy to digest give me the fuel I need without weighing me down during a sweat session.
For the moment I don't have any pre-workout meals, I mostly drink water before working out or I simply go ahead like that.
I don't eat normal meals before going for a workout. I just take a few bunch of bananas and maybe a bottle of yoghurt and I'm good to go.
I just read that water melon is extremely good after workouts cause it has some chemical or nutrients ( I can't remember what it's called) it helps to repair sore muscles and also prevents muscle injuries.