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What's your favorite beer?



Oct 4, 2023
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Do we have beer lovers in DH? I'm a beer lover with Heineken as my favorite. It's very going to be very difficult for me to take another beer that's not Heineken. It's the UEFA Champions League beer brand sponsor which show how big a beer it is.

Which beer is your favorite?
I hardly drink beer because it gives men big belly if you know what I mean. Wine is my favourite alcoholic brand. It can be any type of red wine as long as it tastes good.
Sorry, I don't drink beer. I've never tasted it. Alcoholic drinks isn't healthy just like smoking isn't as well. I don't take part in any of them.
I don't have any particular beer brand. As long as it's in green bottle, it's my brand. A real beer drinker doesn't say no to any type of beer.
Carlsberg, Strongbow, Magners and Guinness are my favourite beer. I can take any of them at any time.
I don't do beers. It's only whiskey and cocktails I drink once in a while especially at big occasions. Johnnie Walker happens to be my favorite whiskey brand.
I don't do beers. It's only whiskey and cocktails I drink once in a while especially at big occasions. Johnnie Walker happens to be my favorite whiskey brand.
I was interested in drinking Johnnie Walker some years ago but the first time I had a taste of it, I realise that it was too harsh for my throat. I felt serious burnt down my throat after drinking it. Andre is what I drink more of now.
I don't drink much. Probably, twice or thrice in a year. But whenever I do, I drink this beer called, "Carlsberg Elephant Strong Super Premium Beer". It's very smooth and I don't feel it's bitterness. Maybe because I have it chilled all the time.
I don't do beers. It's only whiskey and cocktails I drink once in a while especially at big occasions. Johnnie Walker happens to be my favorite whiskey brand.

I have been drinking beer. I mean I am of the opinion that drinking beer is going to make a lot of difference for me as a person in terms of mingling into the society. However, I am feeling cold about drinking beer because of what I read online about the dangers and feel that adjusting to taking whiskey is the better thing to do.
I don't drink much. Probably, twice or thrice in a year. But whenever I do, I drink this beer called, "Carlsberg Elephant Strong Super Premium Beer". It's very smooth and I don't feel it's bitterness. Maybe because I have it chilled all the time.
This Carlsberg Elephant Strong Super Premium Beer is very popular in Liverpool. I went out with my friends when I was in Liverpool some years ago, it was the beer drink all of them was having. Since I don't drink beer, I had to drink Whisky which was Jack Daniels. It was a fine Whisky.
I like beer, but I don't drink it as often as many others. I can only drink once a week and it's mostly Friday night. I don't want to drink the same thing every time, but I drink Bud and Carlsberg more often
I have two favorite beers. My main favorite beer is coors light and my second favorite beer is miller high life.
I don't drink these days, not even beer and wine. However, in the past when I used to drink beer I liked Gorkha, which is a local brand that is imported in dozens of country. I also liked Carlsbeer and Tuborg. Having said that beer was not my favorite drink as I had to go to bathroom very frequently.
I drink beer very occasionally. I doubt if I have had a taste in 2 years. But if I want to drink beer, it is always Star Lager Beer. I don't know if it is available in other countries. I also have a soft spot for Guinness brands of beer.
I do not have a favorite beer because I do not drink.
You may feel surprised at it but I am yet to try any beer and not sure why I never planned to have one and actually I am not even interested now