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What's your daily average screen time?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Before the use of technology gadgets like TV, smartphone, PC, laptops, video games consoles and so many more become very popular, humans don't usually spend a lot of time behind the screen but now, that's not the case. There are some people who spend more than 16 hours behind the screen every day.

How many hours of screen time do you max every day?
I spend about 4-5 hours behind a screen every day.
I always try to get up and move around away from the screen for about an hour each time.
There is a medical history of eye problem in my family. This was a very clear sign for me to take very good care of my eyes in order to avoid developing my own eye problems sooner than my other family members and siblings. I had to reduce my screen time to the barest minimum of 2 hours every day.
When I have a full-time job, I can only use the phone for an hour or two after work, but when I have a day off, it's about 11-13 hours, and sometimes more because I just don't have anything to do these days
Those whom their work required for them to have their eyes fixed on screen do not have much to say in this aspect because as long as they are supposed to be working, they can't take off their eyes on the screen. I know someone who works 13 hours shift with his eyes on the screen.
Twelve hours? Are you surprised? You do not have to. I work online, so I will be staring at my laptop screen throughout the day. When I am not working on my computer, I use my smartphone to check mails and social media sites. It is not possible to limit my screen time as I work online and I work full time online
I will never be surprised whenever I see how many hours someone who is working online on a full time job description puts in. I know this for a fact because I have a friend who works 20 hours every day without much rest. I told him it's too much but he made me understand that he needed the money.
I will never be surprised whenever I see how many hours someone who is working online on a full time job description puts in. I know this for a fact because I have a friend who works 20 hours every day without much rest. I told him it's too much but he made me understand that he needed the money.
I also tried to work more than 15 hours during the day because I really needed money and then I ignored all the problems related to health and I would rather just borrow these funds because then it turned out to be very expensive to treat some important organs
I also tried to work more than 15 hours during the day because I really needed money and then I ignored all the problems related to health and I would rather just borrow these funds because then it turned out to be very expensive to treat some important organs
I would never do something like that to myself, not for any reason in the world. I will never put myself and my health at risk all because I want to make money. If I'm ill, the money can not and will not be enough to treat me. It was why I advised my friend to slow down with how he works.
I don't really have a specific amount of time I spend on a daily basis and I have not really thought about monitoring my time. The amount of time I spend facing the screen of my smartphone totally depends on the amount of work I have for the day.
I don't work. I am disabled, so my daily screen time is around 7 or 8 hrs a day. Not only that, but I read and listen to music to offset my screen time. I need to be doing more reading, but it's hard for me to find a book that I am interested in.
I don't work. I am disabled, so my daily screen time is around 7 or 8 hrs a day. Not only that, but I read and listen to music to offset my screen time. I need to be doing more reading, but it's hard for me to find a book that I am interested in.
To be honest, I thought that you, on the contrary, would spend more time on the Internet, because even if you don't work online, I think you are interested in watching movies most of the time, because when I tried to watch movies all day, it took me about 15 hours, and 7- 8 is quite small
Too much, way too much. I work from home so for me there is no choice.
I have a screen time of about 10 hours daily at the minimum. After I finish my rounds in my poultry farm in the morning, I am down to working online. The only time I am not staring at an active electronic screen might be church time or when I have to cook.
I probably average around 5-6 hours of screen time per day between work, leisure, and staying connected. As much as I try to limit mindless scrolling or bingeing, screens are hard to avoid in our digital world. My laptop and smartphone get heavy use for productivity, but I also enjoy unwinding with some streamed shows or casual gaming.
I spend most of my time at work, but there is a lot of free time because I don't have many responsibilities now. Even at work, I can spend 2-3 hours on social networks and no one will notice and it will not affect my work. In general, no more than 5 hours per day