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What's wrong with my laptop?



Mar 4, 2024
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What are the signs you need to look out for to know your laptop is having issues with the graphic card? And most importantly can it be fixed?
Recently whenever I put on my laptop, it would show some static then after a while the screen would become normal. I noticed this the day before yesterday, only for me to put on the laptop yesterday the whole screen is blank. It first started as static, and over time it went blank. What's the cause?
I'm sorry you are facing this with your laptop but I doubt if anyone can help on the forum. You should get your laptop checked from an expert
I am not so much into tech so I am sorry I cannot help in this matter. I hope you get the answer you are expecting in the comments
My laptop has been sent to the tech expert four times already. The problem was the same it cannot be opened. The screen turned black. I was scared the first time it happened to my laptop. Everytime it happened that way, I go back to the tech. But for two years now my laptop no longer suffers screen problem.
Laptop is a very important thing for all of us these days because you can only complete your office work through it so you need to get it serviced from time to time and since it's not working properly you should either call an expert or visit a laptop repair store and go to the service station.
There are so many possibilities to why this could happen. It could be a software problem where the operating system is damaged. Or a hardware problem where the cable connecting the screen to the board is damaged. A little bit of more details could help.
I am also facing such issues and I am not sure if I should get it repaired or buy a new one because I hardly use it
Actually I don't know because I never come across this situation but I recommend you try searching the issue on YouTube or Google instead
I cannot even open the screen of my laptop properly because its hinge is broken from one side so I need to get it repaired first