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What's the most important thing you've learned from having a pet?



Mar 28, 2024
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The most valuable lesson I've gained from being a pet owner is the importance of patience and unconditional love. No matter how frustrating house training accidents or destructive chewing phases were, my pets relied on me to be their steady, caring source of support. In return, they showered me with unbridled affection just for being there. Seeing the world through their innocent, loving eyes reminded me to take life at a slower pace and cherish each moment. Their ability to live in the present is something we could all learn from.

What's the most important thing you've learned from having a pet?
That is a very important lesson, pet tends to be caring to their owners and no matter what happens they stick to their owners through good and bad. I have learned that in my relationship with people, I should try much as possible to be there with them in good times and in bad times.
I learnt about something from my dog that most humans do not have...loyalty.
That is the fact that is well established. No matter what happens, dogs do not leave their owner, they are known to always display absolute loyalty. That is something humans need to learn.
I don't have a pet though, but one thing I have observed is that pets are usually loyal and they tend to completely trust you when you treat them right.
I don't have a pet though, but one thing I have observed is that pets are usually loyal and they tend to completely trust you when you treat them right.
Exactly, pets can basically trust you with their lives. They recognize you as their master, and they feel that you will not do anything to harm them.
That they are more trustworthy and nicer than humans.
That they are more trustworthy and nicer than humans.
Do you mean than some humans or than all humans? I don't think we should generalize, because no matter what, there are some humans out there who are trustworthy and very nice.
I don't own a pet, but I understand that having a pet makes us more responsible and social. When someone owns a pet, he takes responsibility for its needs. The owner will understand how to know the emotions and feelings of an animal by watching it, as they cannot speak but can express them.
I don't have a pet but all pet owners should take responsibility for their pet and the pet should not create a mess all around the houses of neighbors
I don't own a pet, but I understand that having a pet makes us more responsible and social. When someone owns a pet, he takes responsibility for its needs. The owner will understand how to know the emotions and feelings of an animal by watching it, as they cannot speak but can express them.
Truly, having a pet fosters a sense of responsibility in humans, because you will want to take care of it.
I don't have a pet and I have practically never learned anything from having a pet. However, I guess you will understand unconditional love from your pet. Has anyone watched a movie called Hatchiko? If you love pets, you will cry watching the movie.
Truly, having a pet fosters a sense of responsibility in humans, because you will want to take care of it.
And that is essential for a person to have a sense of responsibility, which should be inculcated since childhood. Once the person has it, it will work forever in his or her life, and the person will be liked by all due to this behavior.
I don't have a pet and I have practically never learned anything from having a pet. However, I guess you will understand unconditional love from your pet. Has anyone watched a movie called Hatchiko? If you love pets, you will cry watching the movie.
Hatchiko? What is the movie all about? Can you give it a brief review? I want to know if I should add it to my list of movies to watch.
Having a pet is going te make you happy but more he grows the more you notice that animals are from the forest
Love and companionship. A dog doesn't show feeling and will always warm up to you anytime any day. So lovely creatures
I had a parrot and I understood that animals, like children, need education and as you wrote patience. I was sometimes very angry at what this parrot could do, but I had to understand that he is also a child and he wants to play and he does not understand, for example, that my sweater is not the best toy and that is why he made a hole in it
The most valuable lesson I've gained from being a pet owner is the importance of patience and unconditional love. No matter how frustrating house training accidents or destructive chewing phases were, my pets relied on me to be their steady, caring source of support. In return, they showered me with unbridled affection just for being there. Seeing the world through their innocent, loving eyes reminded me to take life at a slower pace and cherish each moment. Their ability to live in the present is something we could all learn from.

What's the most important thing you've learned from having a pet?
They makes me happy all the time seeing around
I really like pets
They makes me happy all the time seeing around
I really like pets

What pets do you have?

I don't have pet here because I live in a small house and it would be difficult to accomodate pets here.