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What's the first color you learned as a child?



Mar 28, 2024
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The first color I learned as a child was red! I remember pointing to a bright, juicy apple and hearing my mother say "red" with a big smile. From then on, I was fascinated by the bold, vibrant hue that seemed to pop up everywhere - from stop signs to roses to my favorite fire truck toy. Red was more than just a color; it was a symbol of excitement, energy, and joy that sparked my curiosity and creativity.
As a child I learned all the colors. There was no particular one that I learned first, because I could remember I was gifted a pack of crayons and my dad would pick each color and tell me what it is.
I honestly can't remember the first color I learnt as a child though, one thing is for sure, they taught me about colors as a kid.
I think that white was the first colour I recognised as a child. It was just everywhere and very conspicuous for a child like me not to recognize it first among all the colours taught.
I first colour I learned as a child was blue. I used to see the blue colored sky often so may be I leaned it first. Then came to learn about green because of trees and plants being green in colour, then came to know about black as I used to scare of the dark