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What's the best thing about being single?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I'm single now and for me it's cool because I see my friends who sometimes even suffer from relationships despite the fact that they are happy with their partner because relationships are work and you always have to build relationships together and sometimes it's difficult. I'm single and I don't need to do anything like that
When I was single the best thing for me was the absolute peace and the drama free lifestyle. Plus I felt that I was the master of my destiny and did not need permission from anyone to do whatever I wanted to. (I actually miss that)
The best thing about being single is that you don't have to worry about anyone but yourself. There is this comfortability that comes with not having to share your life with anyone. Being single can be bliss.
Being in a relationship can be quite expensive. You would have to make calls everyday, go out on dates on a regular basis and like inu culture, chip in some financial support to your girl. When you are single, you don't need to do all of that.
In a serious relationship ( not a casual one) if your partner is not compatible, trust me it hurts a lot harder than being single. It creates more loneliness, depression and even physical health problems.
In a serious relationship ( not a casual one) if your partner is not compatible, trust me it hurts a lot harder than being single. It creates more loneliness, depression and even physical health problems.
Life would be a living hell when you have an incompatible partner. It is manageable when it is just a relationship because there is an obvious way out. It is harder in a marriage situation because you would have to stay there for morality sake.
The best thing about being single is that you don't get to spend a lot of money. You probably would not have somebody to bill you constantly and tell you that they need subscription or they have not eaten.
Well I don't really see much advantages in being single, it is just your everyday life growing up. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to share your time and happy memories with?
When you are single, as others before me have just said, your life is your own and you don't have to obey anyone's orders. You can do whatever you wish. I'm both asocial and asexual, so the single life was made for me. I waited too long for my freedom to give it up.

I was raised by ultra strict parents, educated by ultra strict teachers and worked for an ultra strict boss. Why the hell would I want to get married just to get more of the same?
The best thing about being single is the freedom and independence it brings. You can make your own decisions without having to consult a partner. Your time is truly your own to spend as you wish, whether that's pursuing hobbies, focusing on your career, or just enjoying some solitude. There's no need to compromise on things like what to watch or where to live.
My money gets to stay in my bank account. You know that going on dates and stuff is a lot of money. Even if I have it and its overflowing, I get to spend it on myself only. I use that to make myself feel better most times.
My money gets to stay in my bank account. You know that going on dates and stuff is a lot of money. Even if I have it and its overflowing, I get to spend it on myself only. I use that to make myself feel better most times.
Hmmm, that's one way of looking at it. But do you prefer going for shopping all by yourself or with your partner? Which will be more enjoying, asides the spending aspect?
Though it would be nice being in a relationship but being single does have its perks. When single you don't have to worry about telling anyone your whereabouts. You could be offline for the whole day and no one would complain about that, or nag about you not calling them. When single you don't have to spend on going on dates and buying gifts, or even worry about going out.
Being single is not a great thing. I want some to put my head on during thick and thin. I want some one to make be feel happy. The only thing that is good about being single is you do not have any responsibility, you can do what ever you want to do.
I also felt the benefits of being single, but it's not at all worth living that way for the rest of my life. Of course, in a relationship there are many problems and quarrels that need to be worked on, but in return you receive support and love. It's an incredible feeling
Yes you are right and it will so nice to start building a relationship but the best thing about being single was you will live your life the way you like and focus on other thing's without thinking about anyone