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What qualities would you like to have as an older person?



Mar 4, 2024
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Growing old is something we can never avoid as humans, as we grow older, we tend to develop several qualities. What qualities would you like to have when older? I would really like to be more forgiving, a lot more helpful and to have a stronger sense of purpose.
Yes we can never avoid getting old I also like to have just three qualities I will like to more forgiven,have stronger sense of purpose and never turn back on my words
Good one, though i have come to realize that if we want to have these qualities, we need to start working about them now, and with time they would become part of who we are.
Good one, though i have come to realize that if we want to have these qualities, we need to start working about them now, and with time they would become part of who we are.
Off course I agree with your words we have to good Samaritan and also having a great future for us to conquer the dream
Wisdom. I want to be a wise person so that the younger generation will look up to me and come to me for advice on any issues they might have.
I would like to be more understanding of other people's actions. Because now many older people refuse to understand what young people do and they don't like them because they think it's stupid. I would not like to be like that and I will try to understand everyone's thoughts and actions
'We can never avoid getting old'.

I don't think so. My niece died at 34, my favourite cousin died at 20 and another cousin was murdered at 29.

In answer to the question, I am already old.