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What must life be if you are an introvert?



Mar 18, 2024
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It does not mean that bbecause you are an introvert you do not have the ability comparable to extroverts. You have your ways to make yourself happy and improve your finances. Introverts are deep thinkers, smart, and can handle difficult things in the most profound ways. The only thing they lack is socialization. I think they can socialize with their families and close friends who already know about their personality. What do you think?
To be honest, introverts don't have friends, at least I don't. I can only communicate with my family, but for me this is a plus because no one interferes with my work, only what I want and I have time because you also need to allocate time for friends
I am an introvert that is happy to be so. I don't socialize much because I don't like people nor trust them. My little world is small and will remain that way. Nothing is going to change my world....nothing.
To be honest, introverts don't have friends, at least I don't. I can only communicate with my family, but for me this is a plus because no one interferes with my work, only what I want and I have time because you also need to allocate time for friends

I am not fully an introvert as I also enjoy going out with friends, but my man has made it a duty that I reduce the number of friends that I have. So, I stay alone most of the times and I must say that it is not easy at all.
I am not fully an introvert as I also enjoy going out with friends, but my man has made it a duty that I reduce the number of friends that I have. So, I stay alone most of the times and I must say that it is not easy at all.
He sounds like he is trying to control you. This could become worse as time goes on. My woman is free to do as she pleases because I respect her enough to not try and manipulate her.
Like my very good friend the Hatter, I don't like people. The more I have to deal with them, the less I like them.
I am introverted by nature but I try to bridge that gap because I am in business and would have to interact with people on a daily basis. I believe that life is all about being able to adapt as situation demands. When I am in the shop, I mask it and become an extrovert. I resume the introvert nature out of business.
I have had peace as an introvert. The ability to stay on my own and focus on building has been the best way for me.

I don't enjoy going out where I can see crowd as it can be energy draining most of the time. I will rather stay indoors and enjoy watching movies alone.
I am an introvert, but I still go out when it is needed, I have a business and I still interact with my customers when I have to. I have so many ways I use in killing time and enjoying myself so I don't get bored.
As an introvert, life requires finding the right balance between social engagement and solitary recharge time. While not opposed to company, too much interaction can be draining.
I'm not sure if I should categorize myself as an introvert or an extrovert. I have had many say that I'm introverted, and others still say that I'm an extrovert. So I don't really know what to believe again. Maybe I'm ambivert, somewhere in the middle?
I'm not an introvert, but my husband is, and I understand how difficult it was for him to get to know me. It was a stress for him and I noticed it, so I think that the most important thing is the problem of getting to know new people. However, as some time passes and they become comfortable with them, they behave like ordinary people
It also not easy having this type of personality. Introverts like to be alone and in their aloneness, they can think and do many good things. They are also intelligent people , creative and hard-working. They can also adjust their personality when necessary for them, like in work place.