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What kind of influences does subconscious mind have on dreams?



Mar 28, 2024
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The subconscious mind has a profound influence on dreams, shaping their content, themes, and symbolism. It draws from our memories, emotions, and experiences, weaving them into a narrative that reveals our deep-seated thoughts, desires, and fears. The subconscious mind also processes our waking experiences, filing away details and emotions, which can resurface in dreams. Additionally, it can create metaphors and symbolism, helping us process complex emotions and experiences. By examining our dreams, we can gain insight into our subconscious mind's workings and uncover hidden aspects of ourselves.
How do you quickly come up with these topics and the contents though? 😱
I believe the subconscious mind is the one that creates dreams whenever we sleep. There's no much special connection between it and our brains.