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What is your "why"?


Off The Mark

May 17, 2024
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Why do you get up everyday, every morning and do what you do? What are you doing it all for?
( Looking to get some inspiration 😄)
For me there is no why. I have to work to survive. Life is tough and one needs to be tough in order to live it. I did not ask to be born but here I am. I simply practice the concept of acceptance.
To make money of course. There is no food for lazy man, so man has to wake up early and keep grinding all day.
my why is for life being useful in society and can help a lot of people
For me I actually have a lot of why. One of the reasons. I awake up each day to do what I do cause I have a lot of responsibilities I need to sort out, I need to make money to sort them. I have a lot of persons who feel I can't or won't be able to do it, so I want to prove them wrong.
Because I have lots of works to do and if I don't awake early in the morning I won't be able to complete my works.
I have to do it for the children. They want to eat and I have to give them a wonderful life. Of course, this does not mean that even if I did not have children, I would not do this, but for me they are motivation and I am never too lazy in the morning to go to work
my why is for life being useful in society and can help a lot of people
Which field are you in?

I have to do it for the children. They want to eat and I have to give them a wonderful life. Of course, this does not mean that even if I did not have children, I would not do this, but for me they are motivation and I am never too lazy in the morning to go to work
Your children must be proud of you

Because I have lots of works to do and if I don't awake early in the morning I won't be able to complete my works.
That sounds like a lot of work. What work do you do?

For me I actually have a lot of why. One of the reasons. I awake up each day to do what I do cause I have a lot of responsibilities I need to sort out, I need to make money to sort them. I have a lot of persons who feel I can't or won't be able to do it, so I want to prove them wrong.
Yes, proving naysayers wrong feels good
Because I have a future ambition and I actually wanted to fulfilled it so I have to try very hard
If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be so dissatisfied with life.
I work everyday to make so much money because I don't want my kids to come and suffer. I want to give them a comfortable lifestyle. When I think of them, I just feel motivated to do more so that they won't ever face hardship for a day.