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What is your favourite flavour of hot chocolate?

Lil Witchy Shortie


Sep 23, 2023
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Hot chocolate is perfect for the colder months and I love to have a hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream. My preferred flavour to have when it comes to hot chocolate is mint, I feel that works really well with whipped cream and marshmallows

What is your favourite flavour of hot chocolate?
Chocolate wirh Cinnamon is delicious, especially when topped off with whipped cream!
I have never tried it with Cinammon if I am honest but I would imagine that with added whipped cream is nice. Will be one I will try at some point for sure.
Almost everyone seems to love chocolates but I am one of those rare people who don't like chocolate in any way. There is no kind of chocolate that you're going to give to me that I would be interested in eating it because it is too sugary for me and I don't like eating anything that is too sugary. This is why chocolate can never be my thing.
I don't drink hot chocolate very often, but it is very tasty and when the time comes, I try to make it unforgettable every time. For example, sometimes I can add a little Nutella and sometimes toffee. However, it is always very sweet and not very good for my teeth, so I only drink it once a month on weekends.
I don't drink hot chocolate very often, but it is very tasty and when the time comes, I try to make it unforgettable every time. For example, sometimes I can add a little Nutella and sometimes toffee. However, it is always very sweet and not very good for my teeth, so I only drink it once a month on weekends.
My family have a history of teeth problems dating back to more than 20 years. This is why I don't like to drink or eat anything which contains too much sugar and chocolates are one of the number which does more harm to your teeth than it can ever do any good for it. I don't like going to the dentist. I do my best to prevent that happening.
For me, nothing beats the rich, comforting decadence of a classic dark hot chocolate. I love the way the velvety, slightly bitter notes of dark chocolate melt into the steaming milk, creating a beverage that's indulgent yet not overly sweet. While I enjoy trying fun flavored hot chocolates from time to time, like peppermint or Mexican spiced varieties, that pure unadulterated dark chocolate flavor always wins me over.
For me, nothing beats the rich, comforting decadence of a classic dark hot chocolate. I love the way the velvety, slightly bitter notes of dark chocolate melt into the steaming milk, creating a beverage that's indulgent yet not overly sweet. While I enjoy trying fun flavored hot chocolates from time to time, like peppermint or Mexican spiced varieties, that pure unadulterated dark chocolate flavor always wins me over.
Okay now you are making me want to get some chocolates. Your description is just to tempting 🤤