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What is the relationship between subconscious mind and dreaming?


Mar 28, 2024
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The subconscious mind and dreaming are intimately connected. The subconscious mind processes our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, and dreams are a manifestation of this processing. During REM sleep, the subconscious mind freely associates, symbolizes, and creates scenarios, revealing hidden fears, desires, and motivations. Dreams offer a window into the subconscious mind, providing insight into our deep-seated thoughts, emotions, and desires, and can aid in self-discovery, creativity, and personal growth. By tapping into our dreams, we can better understand our subconscious mind and unlock its potential.
All these while I used to think they are pretty much the same thing though.
Wait a minute, is the subconscious might not the same as dreaming? When you sleep you're basically on conscious or subconscious, and that's when you start to dream, so is there any other scientific reasons behind it? I don't understand what you just wrote up there, sorry.