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what is the most disturbing thing you’ve heard in class?



Mar 28, 2024
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One of the most disturbing things I ever heard in a classroom setting was a student making an extremely insensitive comment about a classmate's disability during a group discussion. The remark was not only highly offensive, but seemed to come from a place of ignorance and cruelty. It really made me disappointed in that person's lack of empathy and emotional intelligence.
what is the most disturbing thing you’ve heard in class?
For me, the thing I dread the most in class was the lecturer saying that we are going to have an impromptu test. I don't like hearing that statement because I am never prepared for an impromptu test, who is?
One of the most disturbing things I have heard before was teachers telling students they won't be able to amount to anything in life.
A teacher once told a class that no one would pass the examinations no matter how much they try. That was disturbing because it seemed like the teacher was already disposed to failing the students.
Some of these teachers they are just too raw and do not know the right thing to say to kids these days.
I think when in childhood we do hear these things because some of the kids are like that and they innocently makes these mistakes
You have a point though. But it's extremely important we mind what we say around these kids.
Exactly but you cannot censor movies or tv shows or even cartoons as many times they say those things in the cartoons and tv shows too