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What is the first thing you usually do or say when you meet a person for the first time?


Mar 23, 2024
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I like to shake hands and in our culture, we Say " Sat Sri Akal" which means God is truth or truth is God. If I like the person then I don't mind start talking about different things like movies or cricket.

What is the first thing you usually do or say when you meet a person for the first time?
That depends why I am meeting that particular person and in what context and that's where I need to behave differently
If it's a business client, good morning and how do you do is enough that I can tell the person. But when it's a family member, loved one or relative, I will make sure to know if all is well and how life is treating them.
I don't. I wait for them to make the first move. I don't trust strangers.
I don't have a specific answer to this though. There are lots of factors to consider such as my reason for meeting the person or when and where I am meeting them.