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What is dream ?how can you interpret it?



Mar 28, 2024
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A dream is a series of images, thoughts, and emotions that occur during sleep, often symbolic and metaphorical. Interpreting dreams involves uncovering the hidden meanings behind these symbols, exploring personal associations, and connecting them to waking life experiences. By analyzing emotions, themes, and archetypes present in the dream, we can gain insight into our subconscious thoughts, desires, and fears, revealing hidden truths about ourselves and our psyche. Dream interpretation is a personal and subjective process, requiring self-reflection and intuition.
Dreams most times are ways we live out our desires and wishes. Dreams for some is a door way to another world, dreams could just be your own fatigue playing tricks on you.
To me dream is basically the tricks that our subconsciousness plays on us whenever we sleep. Before I used to be very concerned about any dream that I had, but now I don't care anymore.