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What is difference between "habit and addiction"?



Apr 30, 2024
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An addiction is a behavior or consumption of drugs that becomes obnoxious and difficult to control, whereas a habit is a repeated action or behavior that eventually becomes automatic. While habits may not affect one's physical or mental health, relationships, or daily activities, addictions might. Addictions are also a group for some habits. Do you think that they are both the same or different?
Addiction is something you do without control. You are usually not able to control yourself with these things. Habits is something you are used to and it's part of your daily life.
Are addictions always bad? Do they have negative impact on our health or personality? In my opinion addiction is not always bad sometimes we get something good from the addiction of a good thing.
I agree with you, not all addiction can be bad. There are people who are addicted to success, there are people who are addicted to reading, they can't do anything without actually reading a good book and so on.