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What does the concept of "happy life" mean to you, and how do you achieve it?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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This concept sounds different to everyone. For me, for example, a happy life is my own house somewhere in the forest, a small family next to the car of my dreams and just a lot of time and money to travel and enjoy life. I'm going very slowly towards this, unfortunately, but I'm not ready to lose hope, so I'm moving confidently to achieve it
Happiness is when I am with my family, happiness is when I am working on my own project, happiness is when I go for a walk, happiness is when I eat food I like to eat, happiness is when I go on trekking in the Himalayas. I become happy with simple things, happiness for me is not a complicated issue.
I understand that happiness is that you can only do what you want and no one will have control over your actions. It is very cool to have such freedom of action because not everyone in today's world can achieve this
For me happiness is the absense of stress. One cannot of course alleviate stress 100% because life is what it is. But removing toxic people from your life can certainly go along ways towards that.
Happiness for me is when I am debt free and also able to seamlessly meet up with financial obligations. That defines the boundaries of happiness to me. It seems like happiness for me is finance related. Financial comfortability would give me happiness.
Happiness for me is when I am debt free and also able to seamlessly meet up with financial obligations. That defines the boundaries of happiness to me. It seems like happiness for me is finance related. Financial comfortability would give me happiness.
This is true because for many people these are similar problems. In today's world it is very difficult to live a peaceful life when you have a lot of debt and even no amount of love or any other things will change these feelings of instability
For me I believe a happy life means having good health, a loving and health family, having a good source of income, a home and I can easily afford anything I need with peace of mind. To achieve this, you need to keep living healthy, eating healthy, and work hard.
In my opinion, a happy life is when you can afford anything that you want and you can travel to anywhere you like on vacation. When you have contentment and you don't feel like you need to acquire some more things in order to be satisfied.
To me, a happy life means feeling a sense of contentment, joy, and fulfillment regardless of circumstances. It's about nurturing positive relationships, finding purpose, and appreciating the present moment. To achieve it, I strive for balance taking care of my mental and physical health, pursuing growth opportunities, and making time for loved ones and activities I enjoy.
In my opinion, a happy life is harmony with everyone around you and with yourself. This is difficult to achieve, but every day I am moving towards this point. I'm not saying that I'm not happy now, but I called it absolute happiness, which I will probably achieve in the last years of my life
A happy life is that point that I won't really have to worry over so many things. I would just be running my businesses, it would be producing for me, and I would be meeting my needs and that of my family. It is a happy life to me.