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What do you usually do with the lemon grass?



Mar 18, 2024
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I don't know if there is lemon grass in your country, and if there is, what do you usually do for it? In my place, people add lemon grass to the fresh fish when cook boiled added with tomatoes and onions. We're also doing it at home. Even when we cook beef stew, we add lemon grass added with chili, and ginger. The taste is priceless. I saw our neigbor squeezed the lemon grasses and she spread the lemon juices on her hair. She was 78 years old but got no grey hair. She was doing it since she was a teenager. It sounds having a good effect.
What about in your place, how important is lemon grass?
Over here we use lemon grass to cook, though not all food, but there are certain dishes we use it for. It gives it a special kind of taste and smell.
Over here we use lemon grass to cook, though not all food, but there are certain dishes we use it for. It gives it a special kind of taste and smell.
I see, I thought there is none in Nigeria. Here too, there are certain dishes needing lemon grass. I like the odor and taste of it. It is also to be the morning drink instead of coffee. It's called lemon grass tea that stabilises blood pressures.
Over here people are using boiling it in other to make a tea and so many dishes but many hasn't realized it over here but I am also a fan of it at times I also used to do so
Lemon grass is best to add to add boiled fresh fish and beef bones. But we seldom buy beef. My sister is the cook she is always busy in her business. She has a canteen in DepEd. She cooks beef twice in a month only.
I see, I thought there is none in Nigeria. Here too, there are certain dishes needing lemon grass. I like the odor and taste of it. It is also to be the morning drink instead of coffee. It's called lemon grass tea that stabilises blood pressures.
Lol we have it here, yes I have heard about people using it to make tea, and I heard it is very medicinal. We don't use it much though cause finding it to buy means we have to go to certain main markets to get it.
I learned that the lemon grass is very good for combating malaria. I have never used it before. But my family members use it to fight malaria by steaming it in water and afterwards, drinking the water.
Lol we have it here, yes I have heard about people using it to make tea, and I heard it is very medicinal. We don't use it much though cause finding it to buy means we have to go to certain main markets to get it.
You can plant lemon grass in your backyard. It is very easy to plant it. Make sure that there are roots. Lemon grass here is also expensive so my sister planted many lemon grasses We give some to our neighbors. Sometimes, I used lemon grass as my early morning tea.