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What do you think is the most important invention of mankind?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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in recent decades, science has grown a lot and the number of scientists has also increased, and they have made many discoveries and created many things that we use now. But which, in my opinion, is the most important of them, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life?
I think internet is the most important invention of mankind. Internet has given more power to the mankind compared to all things. Internet has not only helped people to connect but also helped people to learn and gain knowledge, as well as work and make money. We would never be here if internet was not invented.
I would also say that the internet is the most important invention by mankind today because almost every other technology that have been developed today is connected to the internet in one way or another. Look at what is happening today with the invention of artificial intelligence, they are all part of the internet.
Of course, the Internet is the greatest invention of mankind, but hasn't it brought the most problems to society? In my opinion, people who lived in the times when there was no Internet would gladly agree to return there, because then the time was much nicer.
I would also include that a lot of invention that have been made in the health sector is something that deserve a lot of recognition because there are so many vaccine and drugs that can now treat illnesses that we never thought would have a cure. For instance, what happened with the pandemic of coronavirus with the vaccine that was created to treat it.
For me I think it is the Internet. The Internet has helped a lot of us today both in our business and social life. People have been able to push their business to new heights due to the help of the Internet. We would not be here discussing this right now if there was no Internet.
Electricity and the means to harness it. To those who think that the internet is #1, what internet would you have without power?
Electricity. And soon, it will be replaced by the internet.

People cannot do anything these days without electricity and they are already addicted to the internet.
I don't think there is a greater invention in human history than the computer. It has given rise to the internet, which has given rise to AI. In the next decade, we would look back and AI would be the greatest ever invention by mankind.
I think the most important invention is automobiles. We find it more convenient to use vehicles to move from one place to another instead of the traditional method like horses, camels and donkeys.
In my view, the most transformative and important invention in human history is the printing press. Developed in the 15th century, the printing press revolutionized the spread of information, ideas, and knowledge on a mass scale. It enabled the rapid dissemination of books, scientific discoveries, artistic works, and political writings to far broader audiences than ever before.
I guess the two intentions fire and wheels are the most important inventions ever made by the human beings as these both helped us to invent few other things which helped us to live a civilised life.
I guess the two intentions fire and wheels are the most important inventions ever made by the human beings as these both helped us to invent few other things which helped us to live a civilised life.
I don't understand, what are fire and wheels?
There are many actually, Electricity, Internet, Computer, smartphones, and even printers
There have been lots of inventions that people have made for the betterment of our lives. Which invention do you think is the most valuable one? In my opinion, the invention of electricity is the best invention because everything works through electricity. Almost everything will be affected if we don't have electricity. What is the most valuable invention for us, in your opinion?
Am not so sure which one though, we have a lot of technology that has helped humans so much. Like you said electricity has been a major help. We won't be able to access the Internet if we do not have access to power.
Electricity, Internet are the most important for me but one invention is Dependent Upon another for work
I think that the internal combustion engine is a very important invention because many designs that are created are based on this principle and I think it also inspired the inventors of electric cars
There are only few that are most important but any electricity will be at the top ranking because without electricity you can not accessed so many other thing's