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What do you think about artificially grown food?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I have long heard about such cases when scientists managed to grow such food, but I have not tried it myself. I read reviews about it and many people said that it has no taste and is just some wet paper
I don't know what the scope of artificially grown food is. If you are talking about Genetically Modified Crops though, I would say that they are not bad because they help to ensure food security. As long as they follow ethical standards.
Food grown in laps are not all that bad, though I am Abit skeptic about them, I feel most of them might be filled with chemicals that might become harmful to the human body after a long time.
I would say that it is a great technological improvement, however, I also believe that this artificially grown food are not of the same nutritional quality compared to the ones that are naturally grown.
The concept of artificially grown food in controlled environments raises some concerns for me. While I understand the potential benefits like year-round availability and reduced environmental impact, I worry that prioritizing efficiency over naturalness could compromise nutrition and flavor.
I have never tried it either, but in my opinion this food should be much cheaper than organic. As a possible solution to hunger, however, I am not sure that there will be any useful substances
I am not aware of it and if it's artificial then we cannot expect any nutrients from that food.
Artificially grown foods are just full of chemicals and most of the food might be harmful to human because you will not find any nutrients