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What do you do to keep yourself healthy?



Apr 30, 2024
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These are some general rules that people might follow to maintain their health. Water is your best drink throughout the day. Take up physical activities that you enjoy doing, such as dancing, swimming, walking, or jogging. Eat a diet rich in whole foods, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Hand washing is recommended often, particularly in the winter and during the flu season. Spend some time relaxing and lowering your stress level. Develop strong relationships with your family and friends. Engage in hobbies that make you feel fulfilled and content. Look back on the blessings in your life every day. If you're having problems with your mental health, get help from experts.

These are few things which I apply in my life keep myself healthy and stress free?
I live alone, so I won't have stress because of someone else, and it already makes life much easier. I wouldn't say that I eat healthy, but I do a lot of physical exercises, so I think that I will have stronger muscles in my old age. I try to drink enough water throughout the day because that way it will maintain the correct water balance in my body
Exercise, Fasting are some of the things I do to stay in shape and I also gym but from a week I was busy so I didn't went to gym
One way I use in keeping myself healthy is by doing intermittent fasting, minding how much junk or sweets I eat, go for regular workouts.