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What did you have for dinner today?



Sep 23, 2023
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I am always curious about the different foods that people eat around the world and love to hear what different people have eaten each day.

I thought a thread about what food you ate today for dinner would be a good idea.

What did you eat for dinner today?

Today I had fish and chips for dinner with it being Good Friday :)
Well, dinner is approaching and I am planning to take rice and beans with stew. It's one of my favorite foods so this will help me to sleep well and remember that I eat what console my mind.
I was not so hungry so I ate homemade noodles with Indian bread.
For dinner tonight, I whipped up a fresh and flavorful stir-fry with lots of veggies from the farmer's market. I sautéed bell peppers, broccoli, snap peas, and mushrooms in a bit of sesame oil and finished it off with a tangy garlic-ginger sauce. Served it over a bed of brown rice to soak up all those delicious juices. It was a satisfying yet light meal that really hit the spot. Plus, with all those vibrant vegetables, I felt good about getting in some nutrients.
Dinner is so far and in the morning I took spinach with Indian bread
I saw this message late, but I'm still going to share what I ate yesterday night. I took rice and egg sauce. It wasn't that much, but just enough to satisfy me. I am also grateful that I was able to eat something considering that there are a lot of people out there that were not able to eat anything before going to sleep.
For dinner last night what I had was starch and banga soup. This is a local dish in my country popularly known as one of the major food of my tribe urhobo. Though sweet but can be stressful to make.
I have alot of food in my table and it's noodle all the way today I will eat noodles for today and after this I think bread and some tea will follow
Today I had been super busy so I got pizzas from the local pizzeria for today.
I prepared pancakes and ate it with a cup of milk last night, I couldn't prepare heavy food because I didn't have the time.
I had pizza for dinner tonight.
Last night I had one of our local dishes which is egusi soup and pounded yam.
I will have Chinese for the dinner and we are going out today to have it as a treat
I am not sure what I will have for the dinner but sure of its awesome taste. If I didn't find the dinner menu interesting then I will go for instant noodles LOL
We are almost at dinner but not quite yet. I had been debating on what to do for dinner and have settled on breakfast wraps which are bacon, hashbrowns and egg in a wrap as the family loves those and they are filling.
Yesterday was Sunday and I mostly skip my dinner on Sundays because I take late breakfast and late lunch and mostly its heavy so its best to skip dinner in those days
For now I don't know what I will be having for dinner just yet, but yesterday I had just fruits.
I am not 100% sure of what I will be having in dinner and if it was not my favorite food then I will go for instant noodles
Last night I had just moi moi and chicken pie, but I don't know what I will be eating this evening.
Yesterday's dinner was yummy, I was thinking about having Kidney beans and rice and when I reached home mom was preparing that

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