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What did I learn today? Who did I love? What made me laugh?



Mar 28, 2024
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Today, I learned to embrace imperfection and trust the process. I loved the quiet moments with my loved ones, sharing laughter and stories. I laughed at the silly antics of my pet, reminding me to find joy in the simple things. I cherished the kindness of strangers and the beauty of nature. Today was a reminder to appreciate the little things, cultivate love and laughter, and embrace life's imperfect beauty.
Today I learnt patience pays a lot. As for who I love, I think it would be my bestie. She is my favorite person and her results just came in on an exam she wrote days ago. It was a good result.
Today, I have learned that determination is the key to accomplishing things. When you're determined, nothing is too big for you to accomplish and I want to carry that mentality for the rest of my life.
Today I leaned that we should keep on working and leave the result on God. He will make things better for you. You should not leave making your efforts.
Today I learnt we shouldn't say hurtful things when we are angry, cause we will definitely regret them later on. It's best to just keep quite.
Today I learnt we shouldn't say hurtful things when we are angry, cause we will definitely regret them later on. It's best to just keep quite.
That is a very fine lesson you have learned, today thanks for sharing it. We need to be careful of what you say whenever we are angry, so that we don't end up regretting it.
Yes because once said, it cannot be unsaid, the damage has already been done.
I learned to not put my trust in anybody, don't expect too much from human beings. This has kept me going and I can say it's helping my growth. I love my family and friends. I am always happy even when the conditions are not good in that phase.
It's best to learn from everything in life, every victory, every loss, every laugh, every sorrow can help us learn something
Today, I learned that the only thing limiting us is our minds. I was able to do something today that I have procastinatef with for two years now. And it gave me much joy.
Today, I learned that the only thing limiting us is our minds. I was able to do something today that I have procrastinated with for two years now. And it gave me much joy.
The mind is our greatest weapon. It's either used for good or bad. I have mastered the act of telling my mind what it will think and what it will avoid and I can say it's helping me.

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