Discussion Hub

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What are your values and are you being true to them?



Mar 28, 2024
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My values are the foundation of my being, shaping my actions and decisions. I hold dear empathy, creativity, and resilience. I strive to embody these values daily, being a supportive friend, exploring my artistic side, and facing challenges head-on. While I'm not perfect, I'm committed to living authentically, acknowledging when I falter, and gently refocusing on my core principles. By staying true to my values, I cultivate a sense of purpose, integrity, and inner peace.
Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm sticking to my values although there are times in which keeping them might be hard due to some temptations. But I stay resolved to keep my values of right and wrong good or bad.
I am trying my best to be true to my values. I believe in treating others the same way I want to be treated. Since I don't want to be cheated on, I won't cheat on others as well.