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What are your plans for the New Year?



Sep 23, 2023
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New Year's Eve is so close now with Christmas being next week as I write this. With New Year's Eve it gives us a chance to spend time with family, have some fun and ring in the new year with loved ones and friends.

This year I will be spending time with my family as I do each year with some party food, alcohol and just having a great night and a fun time.

What are your plans for New Year 2024?
My plans for the new is always going to be the same thing as of this year. Make more money, invest in profitable projects, have fun and enjoy living the best of my life.
Same as this year, just take each day as it comes.
I will be spending time with family with Alcohol, party food and a lot of party games.
Will be waiting for the fireworks on the TV.
I have so many plans for the new year which some of them are in the pipeline without wasting time. I want to work on my diet very tight. I gained a lot of weight last year which doesn't look well for me. I need to lose some pounds as quickly as possible.
We do not follow Gregorian Calendar here, we have our own calendar and the new year starts from somewhere in April. However, we do keep abreast with Christian calendar as the rest of the world uses it. However, except for knowing what month it is or what day it is, we don't care much about the calendar.
I will be spending time with family with Alcohol, party food and a lot of party games.
Will be waiting for the fireworks on the TV.

Spending good and quality time with your family is one of the best ways to enjoy having them around. Family means so much to me and it's why I would do anything within my budget without wasting time to give them a good life especially my parents.
We are currently in the 3rd month of the year 2024, my plan is to try new things I have never tried or been too scared to give a try in my business and career, and as well focus on growing my business online and offline.
As another year begins, I'm looking forward to setting some fresh goals and intentions for self-improvement. Top priorities include recommitting to a consistent exercise routine and meditating daily to reduce stress. I also want to be more environmentally conscious by cutting down on single-use plastics and driving less. Learning a new skill like photography or a language would be enriching too.
Yes I have alot of plans at the beginning of the new year because I am tired of using my PlayStation box I need to upgrade it and my current smartphone has reached a year so I have to change it too there so many
We do not follow Gregorian Calendar here, we have our own calendar and the new year starts from somewhere in April. However, we do keep abreast with Christian calendar as the rest of the world uses it. However, except for knowing what month it is or what day it is, we don't care much about the calendar.
I have heard about some countries not using the Gregorian calendar. I was amazed when I read about it and seeing it here also confirmed my curiosity. New year starting from April is a very wonderful thing while we wait till December to start our own year.