Discussion Hub

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What are your hobbies?



Mar 28, 2024
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In my free time, I love to read, try out new recipes in the kitchen, and take long walks with my dog, Max. I also enjoy practicing yoga and attempting to garden (though I'm still working on my green thumb!).
What are your hobbies?
Cycling around the neighborhood always brings me a measure of calmness, so I do it almost every evening. It also helps me to observe the latest development in my environment.
My hobbies are watching movies, playing games sometimes and reading books. I also love learning new things.
My hobbies are gardening, handy craft, watching sports on TV, browsing new things on internet.
What hand craft do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
My hobbies include swimming, lawn tennis playing bowling and volleyball. These are my hobbies that I never miss except during the rage of the pandemic.
I do all unnecessary things in my free time and this is why I am planning to add book reading in my free time
Reading books is actually awesome. There was a time I used to read a lot of books, it helped me so much.
It does help when your hobbies help you get better in life and can help you earn too
Yes it does, and since I am also building a business based on my hobbies as well also helps me.
I am short of ideas to how to use my hobbies to earn and to do better in life so I need to work really hard
I like to embroider. During the pandemic, I saw a lot of videos of people embroidering and I really liked it and now that's what I'm doing, but I haven't learned that well yet