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What are your hobbies? Do you find them helping with your emotional health.?



Apr 8, 2024
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Hobbies are considered to be very important for any human being. Having a hobby or hobbies is essential to get some recreation and.rejuvenation. It helps you maintain a balance in life and have a good mental and emotional health. It also helps to fight boredom. You have something to keep you productively and creatively engaged in your free time.
I have a few hobbies. And they really make me happy and take care of my mental and emotional health. I like art and craft, writing short stories and poetry, reading books and gardening. I never have a dull moment or feel bored. How about you?
My hobby is flying drones. I already have one drone, so I like to go to an open field or forest before evening to fly there. It really helps a lot to relax and restore mental health
For me, my hobbies are simply reading books sometimes, watching movies and then there are times I play games. I also love learning new things. I believe my hobbies has helped me a lot emotionally and mentally.