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Gaming What are your favourite video game snacks?



Sep 23, 2023
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When playing video games, most of us will enjoy snacking whilst enjoying the game we are playing. Depending on what our preferences are for snacks will depend on what we choose.

When I play video games I enjoy eating snacks such as fruit and nut mix, cheez-it type snacks, crisps (potato chips) and also crackers and cheese as well.

When you play video games, what snacks do you prefer to have and do you have a favourite?
I would have to go with Popcorn or Cheese Doodles.. Anything quick, crunchy and dont need 2 hands to eat.
When I play video games, I can get along with any of the snacks without having to make a clear choice. I can play games while taking plantain or potato chips with a can of Coca-Cola drink. If it is when my woman is around, she can prepare chicken sauce for my friend and I while we play the game. This is something that I like about playing games when my friend is here. So, I can't really say there is one snack that I prefer when I play games.
While playing games, I prefer having snacks that can be eaten using a spoon. It can be anything light like some mixture (savories). I don't like the smell or feel of food on my keyboard, controller, or mobile phone which is why I don't like to munch on potato chips and other fried stuff while playing games.
I do not think snacks are the perfect solution while playing. I have faced obesity issues while doing this practice and my doctor has recommended me to stop this. Because you could never control amount of food to eat even snacks add to sedentarity factor.
My favourite is crisps, chocolate, sweets or some peach slices.
Sometimes I'll have a biscuit as well.
My favourite is crisps, chocolate, sweets or some peach slices.
Sometimes I'll have a biscuit as well.
You need to bring a small number of snacks during playing because if you bring a lot of them you end by eating them all without controlling the fact of eating which leads to obesity. This is by the fact of experience.
What I don't like most when playing games is greasy products, because then the keyboard becomes unpleasant and you always have to be distracted by washing your hands. I prefer simple fruits or some kind of salad that can be eaten with a fork. Aba are just chocolates that you can't touch with your hands
What I don't like most when playing games is greasy products, because then the keyboard becomes unpleasant and you always have to be distracted by washing your hands. I prefer simple fruits or some kind of salad that can be eaten with a fork. Aba are just chocolates that you can't touch with your hands
Exactly because eating a lot of salad even you do not control the quantity of food eaten then you do not face from obesity and diabetic unlike eating chocolate or milk shake and these delicious products then the symptoms stated from beginning are applied then.
We get a lot of local home made snacks. They are yummy, crispy and affordable. They are healthy too and use clean and good ingredients.

I prefer them over packed ones. It is easy to get them, store them etc. They home deliver too.
I do not like eating or even drinking while gaming, when I am gaming I only concentrate on the game and activities like eating and drinking come as a great distraction for me. I do not like munching while gaming. However, when I am in a mood to eat and drink, I like eating pop corn and lemonade.
I do not like eating or even drinking while gaming, when I am gaming I only concentrate on the game and activities like eating and drinking come as a great distraction for me. I do not like munching while gaming. However, when I am in a mood to eat and drink, I like eating pop corn and lemonade.
But in my opinion, this is very important because when you play, your body also has to work a lot because you have to think and also control the mouse and keyboard, in my opinion, a glass of water is very important because you also communicate with teammates and your voice can get tired
For me it is usually things like biscuits, cakes, meat pie and the likes. Or anything that I can eat in little bits like popcorn.
For me it is usually things like biscuits, cakes, meat pie and the likes. Or anything that I can eat in little bits like popcorn.
It is very difficult to call it a snack because it is not something you can eat quickly and in my opinion it is not convenient to eat. It takes a lot of time to eat the cake. And do you wash your hands often?
Chips, monsters, and pizza. That's my poison while I'm gaming.
I'm not much of a gamer but when I do snack it's chocolates.
Popcorn and a couple of similar local snacks. When it is game time, we already have enough of it.

Adds some flavour to the game. ;)
My go-to video game snacks are pretzels, trail mix, and string cheese. Pretzels are the perfect salty, crunchy treat that doesn't make my hands greasy while gaming. Trail mix gives me a protein and energy boost to power through long sessions. And string cheese is an easy, mess-free way to get some dairy in between matches or levels. Those three snacks are video game fuel for me!
We get rice puffs here. With some many flavours. They are affordable, good for health and easy to handle.

We can make it easily at home and can create flavours of our own.
I'm not much of a gamer but when I do snack it's chocolates.
No, it can't be chocolate. It's so sweet and I can eat no more than 10 percent of a whole pack and you use it as a game snack. Also, the fingers are probably very sticky afterwards