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What are the red flags in a relationship for you?


Active Contributor

Nov 26, 2023
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Human beings have flaws as a person, all these flaws make up who they are. It's these flaws that shows up as red flags in relationship which can either make or break it.

Before going into a relationship with anyone, what are the red flags you look out for?
Trust is the major issue in a relationship, if you break the trust, even once, your relationship might not work perfectly. Relationship collapse because people break trust. Not giving personal space can also become one of the major red flags in relationship. You need to respect your partner's privacy.
For me, a red flag in a relationship is when people cannot reach a compromise between themselves in difficult situations. This is very important, because if everyone wants to do only as he wants, then no joint living and relationship can be achieved
For me, there are so many things I see as red flag in a relationship. One is when my partner is not being straight forward, or is not being honest about her movements. Another one is when she always complains or finds faults or argues too much.
Jealousy, possessiveness, temper tantrums, mind games, bad attitude.
Having no respect for each other is a goodbye for me. Small and big, unless we respect each there is no togetherness possible.
Anyone that is too emotional is a no no for me. I can't be dealing with a cry baby and someone who won't be able to make rational decisions. And also, anyone that talks from the two sides of their mouth can't be in a relationship with me.
A partner that is too clingy is something I hate the most. I don't want you to be upset with me every time, have a life of your own, do things without having me there everytime. A clingy partner is a big red flag for me.
Some major red flags that give me pause in a relationship are controlling behavior, a lack of trust and constant jealousy, an unwillingness to communicate openly, and any form of emotional, verbal, or physical abuse.
Jealousy, possessiveness, temper tantrums, mind games, bad attitude.
I completely agree with you on this. Anyone who have these attitudes also have the ability to be violent in the future if care is not taken.
The girlfriend
I completely agree with you on this. Anyone who have these attitudes also have the ability to be violent in the future if care is not taken.
The girlfriend that I had before the one I have now had all of this and she would always charm her way back into my heart and I would always forgive her. Finally I got fed up with all the needless drama and bailed out. Girlfriends are not hard to get so why should I have to put up with nonsense like that?
The girlfriend

The girlfriend that I had before the one I have now had all of this and she would always charm her way back into my heart and I would always forgive her. Finally I got fed up with all the needless drama and bailed out. Girlfriends are not hard to get so why should I have to put up with nonsense like that?
Having the courage to move out of the relationship is what do many people lack, that is why we have so many people suffering in a toxic relationship today.
The girlfriend

The girlfriend that I had before the one I have now had all of this and she would always charm her way back into my heart and I would always forgive her. Finally I got fed up with all the needless drama and bailed out. Girlfriends are not hard to get so why should I have to put up with nonsense like that?
You are absolutely correct! Girlfriends are not hard to get to be honest, that's why when I see some guys putting up with their girlfriends annoying attitude I wonder if girls are that scarce. I have a girlfriend and she knows that if she starts to behave anyhow I drop her and move on.
A red flag in a relationship, in my opinion, is when they put their own priorities above the relationship. I had such a partner who was willing to break off the relationship, but would not agree to a compromise. People are not always suitable for each other, but this does not mean that you should break up the relationship, but you just need to work on it
I think i will consider honesty first because most of peoples lost honesty in the relationship of today that's why they easily breakups and it tends to be nothing these days