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What are some effective strategies for managing and reducing negative self-talk and self-criticism?



Oct 30, 2023
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Sometimes people are too critical on themselves. This can be detrimental for your welbeing. Stop being too harsh and practice self-compassion and challenge negative self-talk with positive affirmations and self-care practices. Cultivate self-awareness by recognizing and acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments, and seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals when needed. Remember that you are worthy of love and acceptance, and treat yourself with kindness and compassion.
For me, it is very careful not to make myself an enemy, because only I will suffer from this anyway, so I constantly try to be conscious in order to assess the situation objectively and that way I manage to understand the situation logically
One thing that would help is to always focus on the good aspects of yourself no matter how small they are. Be around does who are your value and appreciate you.
One thing that would help is to always focus on the good aspects of yourself no matter how small they are. Be around does who are your value and appreciate you.
You can try, but if these good aspects are too small or your mistakes are so big that they are simply difficult to ignore, then how do I still need to deal with them because they will not allow you to move on
You just need to have a positive mental attitude about yourself in order to avoid self criticism. Recognise your limitations so that you would not be feeling like a superman who should get everything right. Make sure you celebrate every milestone you achieve no matter how little.
It is hard for some people to not blame themselves. Very high level of concience is a reason behind such behaviour. They are mostly saint like and never try to give excuses. Then there is the other kind, who puts blame on other all the time.
I agree that it is that perfection outlook that makes them want to always blame themselves. I used to be like that but I had to grow out of it and understand that what would be would be no matter how hard I pushed. I learned to take life easy and that's how I stopped blaming myself.
First thing one can do is to believe in oneself. Doubts and uncertainty about one's capabilities is what usually bring about the feelings of self criticism. But when you acknowledge your strengths and what you can achieve, you will be able to tone down the criticism.
Overcoming negative self-talk and self-criticism requires a conscious, multifaceted approach. First, I try to become more aware of my inner voice and the specific critical thoughts I have about myself. Then, I actively challenge those thoughts by reframing them in a more positive, compassionate light. Practicing self-compassion exercises, like speaking to myself the way I would a close friend, can also help counter harsh inner dialogues.
I am somewhat of a narcissist so feeling negative about myself is a non issue.:cool: