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What actor would play you



Mar 4, 2024
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Let's say you are given an opportunity to make a movie about you, what actor or actress would you choose to play you? For me I think I would go with Henry Cavill. Okay let's ignore the fact that i don't have those muscles🙄 but I tend to be awkwardly quite and just grunt while I do certain things and he pretty much played that role to perfection in the witcher.
Let's say you are given an opportunity to make a movie about you, what actor or actress would you choose to play you? For me I think I would go with Henry Cavill. Okay let's ignore the fact that i don't have those muscles🙄 but I tend to be awkwardly quite and just grunt while I do certain things and he pretty much played that role to perfection in the witcher.
I like to act as Brad Pit, not the Bard P in SCF, lol. I like Brad Pit because he is handsomer and manly. He is my favorite actor. But I am female I could also play the role of our Ph actress Bea Alonzo. She is so pretty and her moves are blockbusters. She is a well- paid actress in my country.
I'll cast Ranbir Kapoor because he's too good with these type of movies
I don't know I have done anything that a movie would be made on my life LOL, I guess they should make a movie on someone who has done well in life
You don't really have do something grand before you can say you have done something with your life. The level you are in now, there are so many persons who wish they where there or even close to it.
I still like to disagree with it, I feel a movie is something that should be liked by everyone and it should have something that will be inspiring for others and I haven't achieved anything extra
Everyone with their point of view though, so it's cool. It's just a fun question by the way.
He's very popular and his last release Animal was a blockbuster hit and he's working on multiple projects
That's really nice then, it's been long I watched an Indian movie, maybe one of these days I might watch one.
I think @Scorpion has achieved so much in her life and have done really well so she deserves to have a movie on her life
Let's say you are given an opportunity to make a movie about you, what actor or actress would you choose to play you? For me I think I would go with Henry Cavill. Okay let's ignore the fact that i don't have those muscles🙄 but I tend to be awkwardly quite and just grunt while I do certain things and he pretty much played that role to perfection in the witcher.
Keep up the good work đź‘Ť
I will choose Jason statham to play me in a movie I am a of him for a long time because I like the way he perform his tricks in a movie and his performance tends to be so interesting and impressive