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Ways to conquer people in life?



Apr 24, 2024
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If someone insults you, take a moment to look them in the eye and ask, "Are you okay?" Look them in the eyes and remain silent if you believe SOMEONE is lying. If you're participating in an ARGUMENT, remain composed. They will believe that you are winning the argument as a result. Proper posture makes you feel more CONFIDENT, extends your body, and takes up more space. It will result in more self-assurance. When you speak with someone you love, your eyes enlarge. Thats totally my opinion. what do you think guys?
Your thread is misleading, when I saw conquer people I was thinking maybe it's a warfare or something. But truly when you are in a heated argument with people, being calm and composed is better than anything else.
To always dominate, it would be best to always stay calm and think things through before making any move.
To always dominate, it would be best to always stay calm and think things through before making any move.
Some people are toxic elements and could insult you even without a meaningful reason or to make you angry, then let him or her insult you every day, simply ignore it, because if you make a reaction that means this person has value while it is not the case. He doesn't have any value in my life. If he process to physical violence just let police stop him or her at this point.
Some people are toxic elements and could insult you even without a meaningful reason or to make you angry, then let him or her insult you every day, simply ignore it, because if you make a reaction that means this person has value while it is not the case. He doesn't have any value in my life. If he process to physical violence just let police stop him or her at this point.
Exactly, the moment you begin to reply them, it simply means you are bringing yourself down to their level, and like you said they have some sort of value. It's not easy, but the best is to ignore them.
It's a violent universe and violence is the universal law. I am respectful but if a man insults me then to hell with an assault charge and the police... POW! Right in the kisser!:mad:
When I sense that people are being mischievous to say nasty things about me, I invest my silence on them. I am not the type of person that would join issues with anyone. It makes me feel powerful when they wonder why I am not talking.
I've always thought that when you stay silent, you win. If you don't respond to arguments from others, they will eventually stop arguing with you. I obtained the favor of numerous people in my life in similar situations.
Exactly, the moment you begin to reply them, it simply means you are bringing yourself down to their level, and like you said they have some sort of value. It's not easy, but the best is to ignore them.
Arguing with toxic people is like fighting with a pig. The pig will drag you to the mud and it will like it, but you will not. So it is better to stay away from such people, they are not worth our precious time.
What I've discovered in life is that toxic people should be ignored. I often avoid interacting with such people. Because of office politics, which only contribute to demotivate personnel, I rarely interact with others, even at the office.
I do not have a lot of time to mend people, why should I deal with people who don't trust me or who are lying to me. I do not see a necessity of making people realize their mistakes. I would take myself away from people who are arrogant, always arguing, or who lie.
Arguing with toxic people is like fighting with a pig. The pig will drag you to the mud and it will like it, but you will not. So it is better to stay away from such people, they are not worth our precious time.
Well explained, I completely agree with this.