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Ways To Be a Better Person



Mar 28, 2024
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Becoming a better person is a lifelong journey of growth and self-awareness. I strive to cultivate empathy, listening actively and understanding diverse perspectives. I practice self-reflection, acknowledging my flaws and working to improve them. I embrace challenges, learning from failures and using them as opportunities for growth. By being kind, compassionate, and authentic, I've become a more understanding and supportive friend, family member, and member of my community. I continue to learn, adapt, and evolve, becoming the best version of myself.
One can be a better self by cultivating some qualities like leadership abilities, charisma, self-confidence, self-esteem and so on. Having good relationship with people who are of high caliber can also go a long way.
If you want to be a better person, you need to work on yourself. Take out self improvement courses. Learn new skills, especially good communication skills. Learn morals. This are the things that makes you a better person.
You would have to first of all highlight and understand the things that make you a person not adjudged to be better. Make a conscious decision to get yourself rid of those things and genuinely make efforts, you would see how easily you would become a better person.
I completely agree with making a conscious decision to be better before you can actually be better.
I don't *TRY* to be a better person. That would be phony and unnatural. If I'm to become a better person then it has to come from within without any false charm or insincerity. I am nice to nice people, I am nasty to nasty people. This is a simple way to live my life and I have no desire to change it.
To become a better person , one needs to improve him/herself. I believe one should listen more to the people. I have always believed it. You need to be polite, should be patient, try to ignore criticism.
To become a better person , one needs to improve him/herself. I believe one should listen more to the people. I have always believed it. You need to be polite, should be patient, try to ignore criticism.
But one should not just listen to everyone just so we want to be a better person. We do well, to filter out the useful advice and hold on to better ones.
I said listening to others more and not interrupting them before they've had a chance to say things. I observe a lot of people who are disliked because they don't allow others a chance to speak. This is what I think.
I said listening to others more and not interrupting them before they've had a chance to say things. I observe a lot of people who are disliked because they don't allow others a chance to speak. This is what I think.
Indeed, listening is very important for having good relationship with people. I am known to be a good listener, so no issues with that.
Indeed, listening is very important for having good relationship with people. I am known to be a good listener, so no issues with that.

But there are instances when people consider me dumb, as I don't speak too much. Most people consider people intelligent if they speak. This is the culture at our work. A few of my colleagues are like that and are considered better than others.
But there are instances when people consider me dumb, as I don't speak too much. Most people consider people intelligent if they speak. This is the culture at our work. A few of my colleagues are like that and are considered better than others.
That is their own misconception about you, and they couldn't be more wrong. How can people think that because you don't talk too much that translate to dumbness?
Part of the way to be a better person is seek advice from your elders and always obey the elders
I think there are so many ways to be a good or a better person you have to seek advice for what ever you want to do if you don't have knowledge about it and always obey your parents or elders no matter what they decide