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Was there a time you cried, what was the reason?



Mar 18, 2024
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Humans as we are, we cannot avoid to cry . There might be many reasons. In my case, I cried the other week when I remembered my friend who migrated to California because she wanted to seek a greener pasture. She is the only best friend I can confide with my secrets and she too shared with me her secrets. And then, she found a Californian lover and they got married last year. She sent me a wedding invitation but, so sad, I was not granted a US visa. The other reason why I cried was when my beloved nephew passed away at the young age of 26 because of kidney failure. He was on dialysis for 3 years and he was not able to survive.😭
When l lost my mother in the year 2021 l cried so much.
When l lost my mother in the year 2021 l cried so much.
Sorry for your loss, that was so painful and I understood how you felt because my mom passed away too when I was 6 years old. I never felt her love when I was a child. But, we have to ace[t the reality for that is life, there is no forever.
The last time that i cried, I lost a contract which was supposed to make me very rich if it had gone through. I was primed to win the contract but a little technicality knocked me off and I lost it. I cried like a baby.
We cannot avoid crying, it is from the heart and the mind cannot stop us. it only offers a way after being cleared from the tears in our eyes. There are tomes, that I cried secretly because of a lost love. It is not easy to also deal with a broken heart because of love.😰
I have cried for several reasons in the past. I cried when I lost my dad, I cried when I broke up with my ex. I cried when I lost my baby nephew there have also been other times as well.
There might be countless tears that shed from our eyes just to pour out our sad feelings. Even if there is no food left for you on the table, I am so sure, that is one reason to cry. Last night, I cried when learned that my pet did not go home , he came back early morning feeling so hungry.
It happens to me quite often due to stress and various problems. I have not yet lost a person close to me, so I did not cry because of it. However, bad news often upsets me and can make me cry
It happens to me quite often due to stress and various problems. I have not yet lost a person close to me, so I did not cry because of it. However, bad news often upsets me and can make me cry
The feeling will be okay after we cry. We cannot avoid crying when something bad is heard and even when there is good news, we also cannot avoid crying for happiness. I experienced it, and after I was told that I passed the work interview, I cried for thanks and happiness.
Humans as we are, we cannot avoid to cry . There might be many reasons. In my case, I cried the other week when I remembered my friend who migrated to California because she wanted to seek a greener pasture. She is the only best friend I can confide with my secrets and she too shared with me her secrets. And then, she found a Californian lover and they got married last year. She sent me a wedding invitation but, so sad, I was not granted a US visa. The other reason why I cried was when my beloved nephew passed away at the young age of 26 because of kidney failure. He was on dialysis for 3 years and he was not able to survive.😭
Keep up the good work 💪
Keep up the good work 💪
Thank you, Julius. I am always doing a good work like charitable work. I always give donations for the victims of calamities. I usually give new t-shirts more or less 3 dozens. Sometimes, I solicited my friends abroad to help me feed victims of flood including some street kids.
I am very quick to get moist eyes. Any emotional event, scenes from the movie and books can make me shed some tears. Today morning I had my online classes where another person from other country shared about her childhood memories and the trauma she had because of abusive parents and ongoing fight between them.. Listening to her story, I got choked and tears rolled down my cheeks.
There are times that I just want to cry when I remember my ex and how he betrayed me face-to-face. I saw my ex holding hands with another girl. That happened during my university years. .Bobby C. courted me for three years and when I accepted his love he was over the moon. But he was not faithful, he was tempted by my friend 😞.
I don't know when I cried last time. Maybe when my wife suddenly suffered a back pain and was not even able to stood up. She had a slipped disc and it took approximately 2 months for her to recover.
Today morning I had a video call with my mom. She went to visit her elder brother, my maternal uncle. He is 71 and hospitalized. His condition is critical and he is on life supporting system and ventilator from the last two days. This is his third hospitalization since April this year. This time he seems very critical and doctors are not hopeful. He has started with organ failure. While talking to mom, we got emotional and cried. It was tough to console the family. Keeping him in prayers.
Men don't cry, Even If I do, I would not like to share it on a forum, I like to keep things private and don't like to cry in front of anyone
That's a social prejudice that men don't cry. And that can be devastating. It is assumed that emotionally weak people cry. But the reality is that one who has got enough emotional nurturing during his growing up years don't shy away from showing their emotions to others. So, emotionally strong people are the ones who cry when the situation is such that it's natural to cry. Men's mental health is a big issue in the world and awareness needs to be there. It is very natural and okay for strong men to cry. It makes them more real.
It's fine but I cannot cry in front of anyone, Men needs to be strong and should have control on their emotions
It's fine but I cannot cry in front of anyone, Men needs to be strong and should have control on their emotions
If one is consciously doing that, it's not being strong in true sense. Actually it's masking and bolting up. That is definitely not healthy and can be devastating for mental and emotional health impacting vital things like relationships in life. It can lead to aggression and even toxic masculinity in extreme cases. And when it comes to emotional management, everyone irrespective of their gender have to do it. You can't break down in a space where you might be vulnerable and attract more troubles for yourself.
It's fine for me and I am ok with it, thanks for your concern, I normally don't cry easily so I never faced any problem with it