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Was there a time you cried after taking a nap, and why?



Mar 18, 2024
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Was there a time you cried after taking a nap, and why? I experienced this taking a short nap, more or less 15 minutes and when I woke up, I just wanted to cry. I do not know the reason why. I felt so relaxed, heart relaxed that might be the reason why my tears just fell down but it was so weird. I recalled that before I took a nap, I felt missing my nieces and nephews who migrated aboard with their parents. They stayed home for 4 years and that moment, I felt an excruciating pain pf missing them. I wanted to hug and kiss my young nieces and nephews. Then, I continued crying but pacified with the truth that they are not my kids and they are with their parents.

Have you experienced it too in your life?
In my case I didn't really cry, but I was upset after waking up cause I had a lot of work to do and I ended up over sleeping.
In my case I didn't really cry, but I was upset after waking up cause I had a lot of work to do and I ended up over sleeping.
You cannot blame yourself but thankful for you were really having a good nap. You can still manage all those things. You are expert on that. You know the right move so you can accomplish all in some hours feeling relaxed after a deep nap.
You cannot blame yourself but thankful for you were really having a good nap. You can still manage all those things. You are expert on that. You know the right move so you can accomplish all in some hours feeling relaxed after a deep nap.
Yes that's true, but I was so upset about the whole thing because I have already planned out everything. Though what made me calm down was based on the fact that sleeping is also good for my health.
Yes that's true, but I was so upset about the whole thing because I have already planned out everything. Though what made me calm down was based on the fact that sleeping is also good for my health.
Yeah, taking a good nap is relaxing and the things not done could be done one at a time.It is also good to listen to our body. I am so sure that you were able to succeed the unfinished plans that very day.
Yeah, taking a good nap is relaxing and the things not done could be done one at a time.It is also good to listen to our body. I am so sure that you were able to succeed the unfinished plans that very day.
True, our body often tells us what it needs, our job is to simply pay attention and give it what it wants, as long as it's healthy.
True, our body often tells us what it needs, our job is to simply pay attention and give it what it wants, as long as it's healthy.
That is right, what is money after all if the body is sick because the owner does not care for it well. It is us who can make our body healthy and make all our goals and plans happen in a single day but let us never forget to give self a good rest. We are not stones.
True, when we don't care for our body, the money we make becomes useless or we might end up spending it all on taking care of ourselves.
All our efforts will turn to futility once our body gets sick. Taking a nap rejuvenates the self. It is essential to do it daily after a stressful task or activity. When your eyes feel heavy it's a sign to give the self a short nap break.
This never happened to me and I try to take good care of my health. I also stay away from negativity that can make us cry or feel bad