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Ukrainian President Zelensky Added In Russia's Wanted List



Apr 30, 2024
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Russia has opened a criminal case against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and put him on a wanted list.

For demolishing Soviet-era monuments, Russian authorities placed members of the former Latvian parliament, the culture minister of Lithuania, and the prime minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas, on a wanted list in February.

Along with the war crimes allegations against President Vladimir Putin, Russia also issued an arrest warrant for the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), who prepared the warrant last year.
Well that is not surprising, altercations between countries have been around since forever. But the concern is for how long will this present one drag on? And what exactly is Russia's aim by putting all these people on wanted list?
What's the update on this, is he still on the wanted list, or has things changed?
I think he is still on the wanted list.
Russia should just calm all of this. After all they have spent on the war and it is not already won? I think they should reconsider things and end the war.
Russia should just calm all of this. After all they have spent on the war and it is not already won? I think they should reconsider things and end the war.

I don't think this war will end till NATO is supporting Ukraine. Russia is destroying Ukraine , I feel someone should come up and reconcile for stopping the war.