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Today is world Tuna day.



Apr 30, 2024
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The threat of overfishing and the importance of their protection remain to be the primary focus of World Tuna Day. Tuna is an essential part of the diets of a number of countries. However, the industry is expanding rapidly and creating problems with sustainability.The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has already released warnings about the overfishing-related loss of several tuna species.

The objective was to raise public awareness of the worth of tuna and the challenges that tuna populations face, particularly within the Pacific region where tuna fisheries are significant.

Edit-- Image taken from Wikipedia.


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I honestly never knew there was a day for tuna! You do learn something new everyday :)

I love tuna, especially tuna sandwiches or even tuna pasta bake!
I honestly never knew there was a day for tuna! You do learn something new everyday :)

I love tuna, especially tuna sandwiches or even tuna pasta bake!

That's the reason their population is falling. It's sad that their taste and proteins has become a curse for tuna. They are eaten in every part of the world and is in high demand everywhere. We will have to find out some measures otherwise our future generation will only hear the name "Tuna" and won't be able to eat them.
I don't understand, is the tuna population being threatened? That better not be the case because I'm not done eating tunas in my lifetime!
As a vegan, I can safely plead not guilty to the charge of decimating the tuna population! Don't like the taste of fish anyway.
Oh wow, I never knew there was anything like a world tuna day. It's actually quit nice though.
Never cared for tuna, too dry plus tuna has high mercury content.
Oh wow, I never knew there was anything like a world tuna day. It's actually quit nice though.
I'm shocked to hear of it too. I guess we are at the stage where we can literally give a day to anything. Maybe the next thing we're gonna hear is world earthworm day!
When I read this, even I was surprised. There is a day for everything, as you will discover if you Google it. And it's wonderful that we remember this particular item at least on that specific day. Although I was shocked, I soon realized it was fine.
I'm shocked to hear of it too. I guess we are at the stage where we can literally give a day to anything. Maybe the next thing we're gonna hear is world earthworm day!
Haha, that was funny but who knows, anything is possible these days.
Happy Tuna day LOL, I can safely say that I am not behind the decrease in its population because I am a vegetarian from years now
Happy Tuna day LOL, I can safely say that I am not behind the decrease in its population because I am a vegetarian from years now
That means that you're not part of those that are guilty of contributing to the decrease in tuna population yeah?
That means that you're not part of those that are guilty of contributing to the decrease in tuna population yeah?
LOL yeah and for the small part of life when I was fine with Non Veg food I only ate chicken that too in very less quantity and no other animal