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To control or to be controlled?



Mar 4, 2024
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I have come across people who prefer being under the control of others, they find it hard to cope when they are not under the ruling of someone. While there are others who are natural when it comes to leading. They do not want to be under anyone and they have this natural ability to control others. Do you like to be controlled or be in control.
I am a neutral. I can do both depending upon the situation and this has worked well for me
I would not like to be controlled, but I can also get confused if I have to make important decisions. I'm trying to get there, but right now it's hard for me to take the lead. Of course, such people are much stronger and I think that it is worth training because we cannot be under someone's control all our lives
Actually yes you are right but I prefer to be control by others because I really don't have the passion to control others because I am a type of person I don't like disappointment in any aspects
For me l really like to control myself for that matter. I really like to work with minimal or no supervision for that reason. To be controlled while working is something that l hate so much for the truth of the matter.
Actually yes you are right but I prefer to be control by others because I really don't have the passion to control others because I am a type of person I don't like disappointment in any aspects
This means you are happy to work under a boss because the other one type prefer to be boss
This means you are happy to work under a boss because the other one type prefer to be boss
No it's just because I don't have the passion on control others I just prefer to be controlled
No it's just because I don't have the passion on control others I just prefer to be controlled
Its ok you don't need to push yourself to do anything that is against your lifestyle
Its ok you don't need to push yourself to do anything that is against your lifestyle
Probably I don't think so because were living as an extended family I don't bother my self in so many things but I think it's okay for me
Its ok and no need to change your nature or behaviour as long as you are fine with it
I had a girlfriend that you had to tell everything before she knows what to do. It is not easy being with you that kind of person. It might drain you if you are not the kind of person that is a control freak.