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There are studies assessing the effect of remenbering dreams under hypnosis. Does it improve the abilty to remember?



Mar 28, 2024
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There have been studies assessing the effect of remembering dreams under hypnosis, which have been found to be effective in improving dream recall. Hypnotic dreams, which are induced via content-neutral suggestions, have been found to be similar to nocturnal dreams in terms of content and formal characteristics, and have been used as a tool in hypnotherapy .
I have watched a lot of movies where they use this method to help them remember past memories or even dreams they must have forgotten before.
When someone goes into hypnosis and tells something about past which he would never do in a normal situations, he basically used subconscious and un conscious minds, these events are not in conscious mind, therefore, the hypnotic state ends, he will not remember anything
I don't think it will increase the ability of a person to remember things.
Where one thing I'm sure of is that I don't want to be put under hypnosis before I can remember any dream that I have.