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Valentine's 2024 The worst Valentine's gift received?



Sep 23, 2023
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Each year we get our loved ones something for Valentine's Day no matter how big or small.

There may have been instances where a gift you received was not the greatest but the though did count. What is the worst Valentine's gift you have received?
I dont believe there is such a thing as a worst Valentine's day gift, even if I was gifted cleaning appliances, lol. I'm thankful for any gifts I receive from my significant other, mom, or friends. There was an older gentleman in my office who will give out a very small box of chocolates to all the ladies in the office, it was a small gift but a thoughtful gesture. We all loved it, again it is the thought that counts. 😀
Some girls valorize that valentine should be an expensive gift like some pieces of jewelry and see that chocolates or flowers that this person does not love them @Shortie while this is not true, this means you see this person as a bank and don't love this person but his funds.