Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Thank you, admin for the badge for having reached 500 posts 🤗😁



Mar 18, 2024
Reaction score
Yay, feeling proud of my achievement after a long break. My eyes cannot believe that I was able to reach 500 plus posts. It's a pleasure and happiness cannot be measured by cash 😁🤗🤗. July 4 was my birthday and I was also awarded a badge for being my birthday. Thank you so much admin and for everyone who supported my posts. God bless us all and more power to DISCUSSION HUB.

Stephen Curry Sport GIF by NBC Olympics
LOL, sorry I cannot help but laugh because its automatic and everyone gets badges when they reach a milestone of number of posts like I got when I reached 1000 posts
Congrats on your badge. I also received mine a couple of days ago when I reached 300 posts.
LOL, sorry I cannot help but laugh because its automatic and everyone gets badges when they reach a milestone of number of posts like I got when I reached 1000 posts
It's only happening on this site. There is no badge given on the other site. Perhaps there is but not announced. I am stunned indeed and thankful to be part of this forum community. It's a, pleasure for me giving a recognition to what a member achieved.
It's very good from the website to award users with a new badge on every achievement
It's only happening on this site. There is no badge given on the other site. Perhaps there is but not announced. I am stunned indeed and thankful to be part of this forum community. It's a, pleasure for me giving a recognition to what a member achieved.
LOL I was just kidding, It's good to celebrate and you have worked hard for this badge and it takes time to post this many posts in a short while
LOL I was just kidding, It's good to celebrate and you have worked hard for this badge and it takes time to post this many posts in a short while
That is right, it s not easy to post and comment posts in more than 40 words, but I can do it, no doubt being a blogger who can write long blogs. I can write a blog up to 2,800 words and an article writing of a minimum of 780 words. I enjoy writing being my passion.
Serena Williams Happy Dance GIF by Qai Qai
I also haven't seen any website that awards with birthday badge and badges on every achievement so it's very good from the admin and staff of the website.
Agree, there is no other forum site that rewards a member for a birthday or like this in what I have received after reaching 500 posts. It is indeed awesome and memorable. I am inspired to post more here in Discussion Hub.
Congratulations! On reaching that milestone. It feels good to get acknowledgement for such milestones. I remember getting one for 100 posts here. I have crossed 450 marks here. So, I should be getting this one soon.
Congratulations on reaching the milestone! I didn't know that one gets a badge for their birthday. I am not active here these days but will be more active in the next few days. I see lots of opportunities to earn more here on the discussion hub. Thanks, Stan, for providing us with this opportunity.
I think we used to get these badges on beer money forum too so its quite similar to that but still it's great achievement
This site is generous to give badges for our birthday and our milestones. I have missed my birthday badge this year as I joined the site after my birthday got over. But I just checked to see that I have got badges for 50 posts, 100 posts and 300 posts. I should soon be getting my badge for 500 posts. I am moving close to that.