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Striving for perfection



Oct 30, 2023
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Do you strive towards perfection, well, it can be detrimental for your mental wellbeing. Have you tried to manage and reduce perfectionism in daily life? You need to set realistic expectations and goals for yourself, and focus on progress rather than perfection. You also need to practice self-compassion and embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth. Try challenging self-critical thoughts with positive affirmations and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.
I try to do my best in all aspects of my life. If I'm at work, I give it my 100%. I am a "subject matter expert " in my field and as such I always strive to learn as much as I can, apply my knowledge to my work and provide guidance to my colleagues. I do have to admit that part of the reason I have such a good work ethic is because of my OCD and anxiety, If there is ever a time that I do not complete a project before the end of the week, my weekend is ruined, why? Because all I will think about is that unfinished task! Weird, strange but for my mental well being, I need to be my best!
I am a hard core type A so for me there is no choice in the matter, everything has to be perfect. But I am somewhat relaxed about that in regards to others.
For me I am not looking for perfection, I just want to be good in whatever I do, and if in the end I am able to reach the level of perfection, then I would simply consider it as an added bonus for myself.
I believe in always striving to do my best, but I don't aim for perfection. Perfection is an unrealistic and often counterproductive goal. Instead, I focus on continuous improvement and growth. I try to learn from my mistakes and weaknesses rather than beating myself up over them. At the same time, I take pride in my work and have high standards.
I am an average person, I do not have great capabilities or potential, I am living a simple life. No body will notice even I am dead except a couple of friends and my parents . I know my limitation, therefore, I do not strive for perfection, I am just a cog in the wheel. I do not have a big purpose in life.
I am a natural perfectionist. True to what the OP said, it affects my mental health because I get depressed when things don't turn out as perfect as I would have loved it to be. On the positive, it pushes me to always achieve results.
Has imperfect humans, I believe that striving for perfection is a mirage. There's no way we can be perfect, so we do our best to walk on the right path instead.