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SPSS or SAS in dream related factors analysis?



Mar 28, 2024
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In dream research, statistical software like SPSS or SAS can be used to analyze dream-related factors, such as themes, emotions, and symbols. Researchers can code and categorize dream content, then apply statistical tests to identify patterns and correlations. For example, they might use factor analysis to identify underlying structures in dream themes or regression analysis to examine the relationship between dream content and waking life experiences. This quantitative approach can provide a more objective understanding of dreams and their connection to our psyche.
Come to think of It I never really thought of dreams having themes, I just felt well they are just dreams.
I never thought that dreams have meaning. I never be able to remember the dream when wake up in the morning.
Most dreams actually have meanings, just that most times we do not pay enough attention to these dreams.
How can someone give attention to them when the person is sleeping and is not in senses?
If you are the type that normally forget your dreams, you can get a book and a pen to keep records of the dreams then later on you carefully go through them. Though not all dreams have meanings.