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Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots



Mar 18, 2024
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I am so fancied about this line I got from Facebook and it is so true in real life. Those haters like to listen to a rumor and they also like to carry it and those losers spread the rumor and those who act like fools enjoy it a lot. Those who hear about the rumor immediately conclude that is true. A rumor cannot be proven true unless proof is available and witnesses are in good sense, not idiots. What can you add.
No matter what anyone tells me, I always want to hear from the other person. And I do not spread information I got from someone who I am not sure about their source or wherever they got the information. It's funny when I see people just accept things without finding out if it's good or not.
No matter what anyone tells me, I always want to hear from the other person. And I do not spread information I got from someone who I am not sure about their source or wherever they got the information. It's funny when I see people just accept things without finding out if it's good or not.
That's right but in my country those who spread rumor without a valid proof can face the law for moral defamation. And if
found guilty the payment of moral damage is $10 000 minimum plus imprisonment.
That's right but in my country those who spread rumor without a valid proof can face the law for moral defamation. And if
found guilty the payment of moral damage is $10 000 minimum plus imprisonment.
That's a good one, it would help in reducing how rumors and various new are being spread. If we had that here I believe most people would stop spreading wrong new or false news.
That's a good one, it would help in reducing how rumors and various new are being spread. If we had that here I believe most people would stop spreading wrong new or false news.
People will be screwed once spread bad or ugly to hear rumor. When the person concern hears it she immediately files a case. It's not good to entertain bad rumor. We will be called idiots if believe it.
People will be screwed once spread bad or ugly to hear rumor. When the person concern hears it she immediately files a case. It's not good to entertain bad rumor. We will be called idiots if believe it.
Good one, because if we honestly look at it, it's a very serious offense to spoil someone's name. Imagine if there are people who want to help them in one way or the other, they won't be able to do anything again simply because of what they have heard.
Good one, because if we honestly look at it, it's a very serious offense to spoil someone's name. Imagine if there are people who want to help them in one way or the other, they won't be able to do anything again simply because of what they have heard.
It is called moral defamation and it if the law finds the accuse guilty of spreading a bad rumor, then he will pay the fine plus imprisonment. My neighbor was jailed for some months and paid the victim of her rumor $ 4000. She learned a lesson for that.
It always baffles me how some people just find contentment in seeing another person's reputation. And if a lawsuit is slammed on them now, they would say they're witch-hunted.
Those who act like fools are happy to spread a rumor without basis ruining the reputation of the person. They are miserable people. They do not look at themselves in the mirror to check their appearances if look normal or not. They better work to have something on their plates.
It's pure wickedness, they want others to see them as the best or that they are better than everyone else, hence they will do anything to spoil the name of others to achieve their selfish desires.
Those who spread a rumor has a small mind and small minds are dangerous beings. They cannot assess their actions as right or wrong. Theirs is satisfaction of their foolishness.