Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

  • Hey, Guest! The July Jamboree Contest has begun! Please be sure to check the rules as further changes have been made to keep the contest fair! Good luck! >>>>Read more about this contest here!

Regarding future contests



Sep 23, 2023
Reaction score
We are looking for feedback from members at this time regarding future contests here at Discussion Hub. At the moment we have a posting contest ongoing for New Year 2024 with the top 3 highest posters between 27th December and 27th January to receive a cash prize.

We are looking at other ideas we can use for future contests.

At this time, one idea we have is to base the posting contests on the top posters of the month which you can see on the sidebar on the forum home. This will allow more to compete without having to give a starting post count as this will be tracked automatically throughout the month.

If you have any further ideas, please feel free to throw them our way :) we value your input and would like to make this community one you want to be part of :)

Thank you all for your continued support!
First of all, I would like to appreciate the idea of the posting contest because it is really working out well! :D Through the contest, I got an opportunity to explore different areas of Discussion Hub that I hadn't earlier probably, like the Debate section. It's really having a lot of good topics to have a healthy debate on. I've also learned that the members are quite engaging here, which is a good sign. Good job, everyone! 😊

I also love the idea of rewarding the top poster of the month. It'll help in encouraging more members to contribute to the forum through active participation. :)

For the future, how about having a "Best Thread of the Month" award which will be determined by engagement and quality?
One more could be a "Most Active and Engaged Newcomer" award. Like, every month you'll be having some new members, right? Track them and see who has been the most active contributor to the forum and award them.
First of all, I would like to appreciate the idea of the posting contest because it is really working out well! :D Through the contest, I got an opportunity to explore different areas of Discussion Hub that I hadn't earlier probably, like the Debate section. It's really having a lot of good topics to have a healthy debate on. I've also learned that the members are quite engaging here, which is a good sign. Good job, everyone! 😊

I also love the idea of rewarding the top poster of the month. It'll help in encouraging more members to contribute to the forum through active participation. :)

For the future, how about having a "Best Thread of the Month" award which will be determined by engagement and quality?
One more could be a "Most Active and Engaged Newcomer" award. Like, every month you'll be having some new members, right? Track them and see who has been the most active contributor to the forum and award them.
These sound like great ideas :) have noted these down and they will be discussed :)

Glad you are enjoying the contests here and enjoying Discussion Hub :)
What about instead a single Top poster, reward lets say the top 10 posters or 50?. Because to aim for the #1 actually discourage many that don't have the time to posts as much and the competition become a little harder. Maybe something easier to encourage more members instead the one or two determined to be the #1. :) my 2 cents...
What about instead a single Top poster, reward lets say the top 10 posters or 50?. Because to aim for the #1 actually discourage many that don't have the time to posts as much and the competition become a little harder. Maybe something easier to encourage more members instead the one or two determined to be the #1. :) my 2 cents...
Thank you for your input @Mike30 :) this definitely sounds like a great idea and one I will note down and will be discussed :)
Thank you for your input @Mike30 :) this definitely sounds like a great idea and one I will note down and will be discussed :)
Like the following scheme: (100 % reward calculated for next contest)
1st place: 15 % of reward
2nd place: 14 % of reward
3rd place: 13% of reward
4rth place: 12 % of reward
5th place:11 % of reward
6th place:10 % of reward
7th place:9 % of reward
8th place:8 % of reward
9th place: 4 % of reward
10th place: 4 % of reward
Then for the top 10 users even from 1st to 10th you do not leave the contest empty hands.
Like the following scheme: (100 % reward calculated for next contest)
1st place: 15 % of reward
2nd place: 14 % of reward
3rd place: 13% of reward
4rth place: 12 % of reward
5th place:11 % of reward
6th place:10 % of reward
7th place:9 % of reward
8th place:8 % of reward
9th place: 4 % of reward
10th place: 4 % of reward
Then for the top 10 users even from 1st to 10th you do not leave the contest empty hands.
I like this idea :) will be bringing this up for discussion for future contests :)

Thank you for your input :)
I like the idea of having more than one winner. Gives a level platform for all and encourages more activity.

It is a bit dull when you do all the hardwork and someone else wins the prize. In the end, there is only more sad people than winners.