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Gaming Pro-Gaming


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
Reaction score
Have you thought about it? Have you done it? What are some steps to prepare? What might the salary be? How hard might the job be? What games would you like to play?
No, I have never though about pro gaming, I have not even though about game streaming. I am a hobbyist player and I play for fun. But I always encourage kids to become pro gamer instead of just wasting time with random games. There is a lot of money involved in pro gaming. W hen I was growing up, progaming was not a career yet
When I was younger, I was very easily impressed, so when I first saw cyber sports, I also wanted to become such an athlete because it seemed to me that it was very easy and also paid money for it, but when I actually tried to play ssam games, I realized that there are such powerful players here they play that I will never surpass it
I definitely can't say what I would like to be because I don't pay serious attention to game development. I'm just playing for fun. I will definitely never train because it takes too much time
I have never really thought about pro gaming until last year when I watched a Chinese romance drama that had to do with pro gamers. This made me see them in a whole new different light. The amount of training they go through And all that.
The idea of going pro in esports has certainly crossed my mind, especially when I was teen I never pursued it seriously, but I know it takes an incredible amount of dedication and skill. Putting in the practice hours to reach the top ranks, studying strategies religiously, and honing pinpoint mechanics are essential. Having the mental fortitude to perform under pressure is also key. While I'm content being a hobbyist now, I have immense respect for those who make pro-gaming their career through that level of commitment.