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Posture correction for those who work on desk



Oct 30, 2023
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How do you improve your posture while sitting at a desk for long periods? Setting up an ergonomic workstation with proper chair height, lumbar support, and monitor positioning to support good posture can greatly help you. Taking regular breaks to stand up, stretch, and move around, and consider using a standing desk or stability ball to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day.
There is a reason why companies have break times for their workers especially those who are sitting down too much. Make sure that you take your break whenever It is time for you to do so and not try to do any other work at that moment because your body needs that break so that you will not be putting too much strain on your spinal cord by sitting down too much at work.
Even before breaktime and after break time, it is advisable you take short breaks to just stand and walk about for a few minutes before you continue your work.
I've had problems with this for a long time because I don't have a table or a chair that would be comfortable for me because what suits me costs a lot because I'm very tall and I need specific furniture. However, I always try to do back exercises so that my form does not become even worse
I use a very bad posture. What helps me is that I change it every now and then to reduce the effect. I do not spend a long time on PC either. So that helps to negate the negative impact.
Maintaining good posture during extended desk sessions is crucial for avoiding back pain and muscle strain. Keep your shoulders back and upright, avoiding a hunched position. Use a small pillow or lumbar support against your lower back. Position your computer screen at eye level to prevent neck strain.
I work in an offline job and most of the time I sit and also I work in an online job and I also sit so this lifestyle affects me. One of the methods is exercises. I visited a doctor who treats the spine and I was advised to do great exercises as well as regular running