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Outdoor exercise vs indoor exercise



Oct 30, 2023
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Can outdoor activities provide additional health benefits compared to indoor workouts? AS far as I know, outdoor activities offer benefits such as exposure to natural sunlight (which can boost mood and vitamin D levels), varied terrain and scenery (which can enhance motivation and engagement), and increased fresh air and oxygen intake (which can improve respiratory function and overall well-being). However, most important is the kind of exercise you do.
The weather condition is what is going to determine if I would be willing to be involved in outdoor workout activities because if the weather is not friendly, I will prefer working out in door because it is safer for me to do that than being outside when the weather will likely cause me more damage than any good.
In my region, the weather is good most of the time, even if the sun doesn't shine, it doesn't rain often, so I prefer to exercise outside, but the only downside is that there is no special equipment and I can do exercises only with my own body and only on the ground
We have a river nearby. So we get to swim a lot. It helps stay fit. Swimming is a good exercise.

The river has some traps though. It is important not to wander into that areas. We sometime push ourselves too much and go through areas where the current is stronger.
Exercising outdoors does offer some extra health perks beyond just indoor gym workouts. Getting exposure to natural sunlight helps boost vitamin D levels, which supports bone health and immune function. The changing terrain outdoors also engages more muscle groups for better overall conditioning. Plus, breathing fresh air and being surrounded by nature can reduce stress levels and improve mental well-being.
If you are taking about getting vitamin D from early morning sub lights and having to breath fresh air and the likes, then I think this is the only advantage out door exercise has over indoors. In terms of effectiveness, it mainly depends on your effort.
I would prefer to do all outdoor exercises, or at least, have the aerobic stuff outdoors. However, though, planning issues can make it where it's more doable to run and do dumbbells, for instance, inside a gym within an hour or so. Has anyone been in that situation?
I prefer indoor exercises as I don't want to be distracted by either the temperature or the weather when exercising.
For me, the difference is felt very strongly in the winter when I can't run outside and have to do it on a treadmill, and in the summer, running around the house or just around the city is just a pleasure and I notice that at this time of the year my endurance is much greater